Are 3D Brochures the Future of Real Estate Marketing?

Thanks to tech toys such as Google Glass and Meta SpaceGlasses, “Augmented Reality,” also known as “A.R.,” has become a buzz-phrase this year. For proof of how it has impacted the Real Estate industry, look no further than the Virtual World app, now available for free download.


Virtual World is among the latest high-tech tools to fall into the hands of both Real Estate agents and potential buyers. But how, exactly, do 3D brochures work? With the wave of a smartphone or tablet over a paper brochure, the user will experience a 3D version of a building pop up on the device’s screen, delivering visuals that are integrated into a real world view. Don’t believe us? Try it. The app is the second Weston Homes launched for property. The first one was built specially for the Stratford Riverside development and its 202 units for sale.

The augmented reality brings the building alive in the user’s hands, as it appears to rise straight out of the device screen. The app is designed to give potential buyers a sense of how a building development can look and feel without ever setting foot in the door.

Bob Weston, the chairman of Weston Homes, spoke about his hope for the new technology and said, “Within the next two years most house builders won’t need marketing suites or sales cabins; instead A.R. will bring the marketing suite and an incredibly realistic 3D view of any new home to the customer, wherever they are based in the world.”

The Virtual World App is available in both the Google Play and iTunes stores.